Bulldog Bites

News and Views from the University of Redlands

Aiming for the best possible care for student-athletes

“At the University of Redlands, 运动教练在这里为学生运动员提供保健服务, to ensure that they can participate to the best of their ability,” says Head Athletic Trainer Janelle Kratz (left). (Photo by Carlos Puma)

This month, 美国各地的运动教练因致力于帮助人们预防受伤而受到认可, stay healthy, and, most recently, 就体育部门如何有效适应COVID-19进行必要的对话.  As health care professionals, athletic trainers can be found working with active populations in high schools, colleges, professional sports, corporations, professional sports, military, performing arts, clinics, hospitals, and physician offices, impacting health care through action.  At the University of Redlands, 我们很幸运有三个全职认证的运动教练为我们的全国大学体育协会(NCAA)校际学生运动员服务:Janelle Kratz, M.S. (head athletic trainer), Nick Harvey, M.A., and Sarah Beene, M.S. 

Since March is National Athletic Training Month, 我们花了一些时间与克拉兹交谈,以了解作为一名体育保健专业人员是什么样的.  Kratz, 他于2005年1月加入牛头犬运动,并于2014年7月被任命为首席运动教练, 仍然是威尼斯人平台体育项目的第二位也是任职时间最长的女性首席体育教练.

Bulldog Blog运动教练在改善学生运动员体验方面的作用是什么? 

Janelle Kratz: At the University of Redlands, 运动教练在这里为学生运动员提供保健服务, to ensure that they can participate to the best of their ability.  We do this through preventative services, injury diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation, and emergency care.  While we tend to specialize in musculoskeletal injuries, we have built great relationships with the Student Health Center, U of R Counseling Center, 以及我们地区的其他医疗保健专业人员,以便为我们的学生运动员提供最好的全程护理.  We are readily available throughout the day and during practices and games, 这样学生运动员就可以在需要的时候获得医疗保健,保证他们的安全, healthy, and performing at their best.

BB当前位置众所周知,医疗保健和体育专业人士一天要“身兼数职”.  How do you typically fill your day? 

Kratz: Our tasks vary day to day, and even hour to hour.  At its core, patient care consists of injury evaluations and follow ups, prepping for practices or games, and making the best decisions founded on evidence-based practice.  However, 有时候,照顾我们的病人可能需要在恶劣天气下做出决定,或者在脑震荡后指导某人恢复比赛.  Every day, we also make time for administrative work—communicating with student-athletes, coaches, and staff; guiding parents through the insurance process; documenting injuries; or facilitating referrals to physicians’ offices.  In the past few years, 我们的员工也努力与校园其他部门合作, helping serve not only our student-athletes, but the campus community as a whole.

BB: What is your favorite part of being an athletic trainer? 

Kratz: 能够和一名学生运动员一起度过整个伤病是最有意义的.  From doing the initial evaluation, to treatment and rehabilitation, 能够看到他们比赛——能够成为这个过程的一部分,看着他们在场上和场下实现目标,这真是太棒了.

BB: What are a couple little-known responsibilities of an athletic trainer?

Kratz: 没有多少人知道预防医学有很大一部分是属于我们的范围和责任.  我们努力教育我们的病人和一般民众了解不同的健康状况或情况, and how to best address a concern before it becomes severe.  我们试图教学生运动员了解他们的身体发生了什么,并给他们帮助自己的工具, now and in the future.

我们旨在防止有害情况的另一种方法是为我们的体育部制定和更新政策.  Whether that be emergency action plans, concussion guidelines, adverse weather protocols, infection disease considerations, or athlete-specific mental health policy, 我们部门带头创造和教育对不同情况的反应, providing guidance to help respond efficiently and avoid greater harm.  With COVID-19, that aspect of our job has been amplified.  Following the guidance of local, state, and national recommendations, 我们制定了具体的方案,以应对和管理COVID-19感染以及安全重返赛场的过程, which complements the University’s COVID-19 protocol as well.

BB说到COVID-19,大流行创造了一个新的世界,特别是在团体活动方面.  How have your responsibilities changed during the pandemic? 

Kratz: 我是学生运动员和体育部工作人员对COVID问题的最初联系人, 我们的工作人员对学生运动员进行跟踪和恢复活动.  花了无数个小时研究疾病控制和预防中心的政策, NCAA, our Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, the University, etc., I’ve been able to be a resource to others, both on and off-campus.  体育教练需要完成一定时数的继续教育单元(ceu)。, similar to a physician or nurse, to stay up-to-date on best practices and standards.  Recently, 我参加的大多数网络研讨会都是针对COVID-19政策和了解隔离的最佳做法, quarantine, and clearance post-illness.  Like most people over the past year, 我参加了很多虚拟会议和远程学习,这样我们的员工就可以为这学期和以后的体育运动做好充分的准备.


Kratz: No one has died under our watch—literally.   We strive to maintain a high standard of care for our student-athletes.  Nick and Sarah have both preformed life-saving CPR while working on campus, 我们三个人都在训练和比赛期间与公共安全部门和当地紧急医疗服务部门合作,以应对紧急情况. 我们对潜在紧急情况的识别能力和负责任、专业的反应能力可以帮助我们在事态危及生命之前控制局面——但如果事态真的到了那一步, we are also ready. [See Bulldog Blog story “Director of Athletics: Preparing to Save Lives.”] 

BB: You’ve worked here for 16 years, six years as the head AT, 你是这所大学历史上第二位女性首席体育教练.  有哪些东西是你从亲身经历中学到的,而不是威尼斯人平台里教的?

Kratz: There are a few different aspects of our job that a textbook can’t portray.  一个突出的例子是运动教练应对压力大的工作环境以及随之而来的一切的能力.  You can quite literally need to perform CPR, save a life, and continue to work for the next six hours.  另一个组成部分是能够有效地与你周围的人沟通——教练, administration, student-athletes—during and after these situations, when you yourself are still processing an event.  虽然这些故事通常是在威尼斯人平台里由临床教师或教授讲述的, 知道你如何应对这些类型的压力源是你不知道的事情,直到你经历了它们.

如果你想了解更多关于运动训练或全国运动训练月的信息,请访问 www.atyourownrisk.orgwww.nata.org, or follow the Bulldog Athletic Trainers on Instagram @Redlands_AT.